Ricky's declorated the trailer, Bubbs has brought some f**ked costumes, and Julian's got pumpkin rage! Join the Boys for a Halloween f**karound, along with a devilish little f**kin' guest...
It's time to get learnt with Ricky, Julian and Bubbles about the world's greatest inventions, including dynamite, screw tops and Edison's electric knob. Also: Road Rage Refs, Tickle Me Elmo, and Cory's DIY dentistry!
Randy's in the trailer and he's come bearing a sweet gift - or is it?! Find out how not to get scammed from space, when Texas hot sauce ain't Texas hot sauce, and some hot facts about Julian's nipples. Also: Call the wood police, there's a f**king killer on the loose!
Bubbs is on top of his game today and ready to do some math! The Boys discuss Steve Irwin, the catalog haven of Pueblo Colorado, and the Wrath of Eternal P*ss. Plus: Get ready for a LIVE Thanksgiving special on Shout Factory TV!
It's September the 3-0 already, fuckers - the Boys are zoned out and don't know if it's Jantember or Novaugust! Bubbles is so hungry he could eat a wheel of cheese, or some sexy Muscle Chips. But f**k off with the NyQuil chicken! Also: The Boys explain why September 30 is a very important day in Canada.